Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nous sommes à Paris

We made it to Paris. 

We are staying at L'Hotel Particulier on Rue Cremieux. 

As soon as we got here, we walked to Notre Dame. WOW! It is incredible! 

Hey- does any one know why there are locks on both sides of the bridge of Le Sienne to the entrance of Notre Dame? 

We are at a little cafe looking at Gare de Lyon. 

Riding the train in to Paris was very cool. It took 20 minutes to get from London to the Medway where we were staying, which took us an hour 15 to get to from London on a southeastern train, and 20 minutes to go through the English Channel. Once in Callais, the country side was full of rolling hills and small wooded areas, usually containing a home. They grow corn here which is quite surprising. The total time to get to Paris Nord was 2:15.  We saw an Ikea. Wind mills. All of the houses in the country looked like cottages. So beautiful. 

All in all, Paris is beautiful and awesome! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jamie - I looked up the locks and here is what I found - I think y'all should do this:
    They are Love Locks! As a bridge joins two bodies, these locks join two hearts. A public declaration of one’s love for another. Lovers write their names or initials on a padlock, latch it to the bridge and throw the key into the river, symbolizing their hearts forever locked in love.

    Love Mom
